Rotary Club of

Appin Park Wangaratta

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2024-2025 President Mick Maher extends a warm welcome to all guests, fellow Rotarians and ​community members to join our meetings on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Wednesdays of each month.

Time: 5.30pm for 6.00pm start

Venue: Wangaratta Club in Victory Parade, Wangaratta

Meals ordered off menu. Drinks at Bar

At times the Venue may differ

Please contact to confirm arrangements and attendance.

Welcome, Respected, Valued

Bev Maher receives the Paul Harris Fellow Sapphire award ​at the Appin Park Wangaratta 2024 Changover luncheon

About Us

The Rotary Club of Appin Park Wangaratta was chartered in 1972 and has recently celebrated 50 years of “Service Above Self”, helping to make ​positive changes in our community and the world.

Our club is diverse and inclusive. We have a variety of members from many different vocations bringing with them a wealth of knowledge and ​experience. We value the contribution of all members and welcome members from all walks of life - male and female, older and younger, different ​cultures and beliefs, various occupations, different backgrounds. We encourage anyone interested in learning more or joining Rotary to contact us​

Our Club channels our commitment to service locally, nationally and internationally through the Avenues of Service.

We consist of members who are dedicated to this goal and who share a passion for community service and friendship.

Our Rotarians-

  • Get involved in the Community
  • Share our time and experience with others
  • Support global causes like eradicating polio
  • Use our skills to help others
  • Have fun and enjoy Rotary fellowship and friendship
  • Share a passion for making a positive difference

Club Executive 2024 – 2025


Mick Maher

Immediate Past President / Vice ​President:

Geoff Dinning / David Wohlers


Bev Maher


Mick Maher

President Elect:

Christina Pizzini

Club Administration:

John Cuthbert

Rotary Foundation:

Robert Tate

Service Projects:

Ken Craig

Public Relations:

Bev Maher


Christina Pizzini

Fun, Fellowship, Fulfilment

2023 - 2024 Annual Report

At the Rotary changeover luncheon held at Rinaldo’s Restaurant on ​7th July 2024. Members, guests and family gathered to recognise the ​dedicated service of outgoing President Geoff and to welcome the ​incoming President Michael. Geoff thanked members for their ​support and contributions and presented Rotarian Bev Maher with a ​Paul Harris Sapphire Award, celebrating her exceptional commitment ​to Rotary’s ideals. We welcomed new President Michael who shared ​his vision and goals for the coming year. The gathering celebrated ​both continuity and fresh beginnings, embodying the spirit of Rotary ​fellowship and service.

We are pleased to present our Annual report for the 2023/24 year.

Programs, Projects & Events


  • Rotary Youth Exchange (RYE)
  • Secondary School Scholarships
  • Secondary School Leadership Bursaries
  • Community Youth Awards
  • National Youth Science Forum (NYSF)
  • Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA)

Community Raffle

  • Raising funds to support Community groups

Environmental issues

  • Weed eradication in the Warby Ranges National Park
  • Tree Planting

Community BBQ

  • Used as both a club fund raiser and support to local community groups

Community Health Mobile Bus

  • Financial support to Community Bus for Rural Health Checks/ Assessments

The Rotary Foundation

  • Providing financial aid to International programs and Australian Rotary Health

International Service

  • Assistance to overseas countries

Service Above Self

2024-2025 Community Raffle

The Rotary Club of Appin Park Wangaratta is excited to announce the launch of the 2024-2025 ​Community Car Raffle, offering local community groups and sporting clubs a fantastic ​opportunity to raise funds while supporting community projects and initiatives.

Building on the success of last year’s raffle, The 2024-2025 community raffle has increased both ​in the number of prizes and in total value, further enhancing the fundraising potential for clubs ​and community groups. Last year, participating organisations received $39,753.00, contributing ​to a five-year total of approximately $150,000.00 returned to local groups.

Tickets are priced at $5.00 each or $50.00 per book of 10. A total of 14,000 tickets are available ​this year. Unsold tickets can be returned, and participating community groups and clubs will ​receive personalised promotional materials to support their fundraising efforts.

Groups and clubs will receive $3 from each $5 ticket sold, while the Rotary Club of Appin Park ​Wangaratta will retain $2. Our portion covers the club's contribution to the prize pool and funds ​other community projects and initiatives, particularly our extensive youth-focused programs ​such as Rotary Youth Exchange, Scholarships and Bursaries for local schools and educational ​facilities, and the Young Writers Awards.

Key Dates:

  • Ticket Sales Begin: Wednesday, August 28th, 2024
  • Ticket Sales End: January 31st, 2025
  • Raffle Draw: February 14th, 2025 at the Wangaratta Motor Group premises

Community groups and sporting clubs interested in participating are encouraged to register by ​contacting Adam Pizzini at

Community Car Raffle 2024-2025 Prize pool

  • 1st Prize: Hyundai Venue from Wangaratta Motor Group – valued at $26,500.00
  • 2nd Prize: Travel & Accommodation Package – valued at $4,400.00
  • 3rd Prize: 7x5 Trailer & 2’ Cage from Wangaratta Trailer Sales – valued at $3,030.00
  • 4th Prize: Harvey Norman voucher – valued at $2,000.00
  • 5th Prize: A1 Tyre Power Voucher – valued at $1,500.00
  • 6th Prize: Air Conditioning Unit from JCS Industries – valued at $1,200.00
  • 7th Prize: Tool Package Voucher from WBAIS – valued at $1,000.00
  • 8th Prize: Dining Package – 3 vouchers valued at $150.00 each from Rinaldo’s, Gateway Hotel, ​and Watermarc Dining (Total value: $450.00)

The first prize has been generously been provided by our major sponsor, Wangaratta Motor ​Group. We would like thank all our sponsors for their generous contributions which makes the ​Community Raffle so successful and popular.

Community BBQs

Throughout the year our members and friends of Rotary are out in force, flipping ​sausages, caramalising onions and serving sausages in bread with a smile. These ​events serve as vital fundraisers for our club, enabling us to support out many ​service projects and initiatives. Next time you see Rotarians behind the BBQ at ​Bunnings, be sure to stop for a tasty snag!

If you would like to discuss catering for an event, please contact our Secretary at

National Youth Science Awards

Rotary is the Founding Partner of the National Youth Science Forum (NYSF), a 2 ​week program designed to motivate young people in their passion of science and ​gives students a broader understanding of the diverse study and career options ​available in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and ​encourages continued studies in these fields.​

Participants stay at university colleges and are immersed in science and ​technology, and have the opportunity to:

  • participate in tours of science and technology facilities,
  • learn about cutting-edge research,
  • engage with industry partners and research providers,
  • learn about university, training and STEM career pathways,
  • mix with other like-minded students from all over Australia,
  • participate in social and team building activities, and network with former NYSF ​participants.

For more information on NYSF visit

We were proud to support local student, Jack Weir in the 2024 ​National Youth Science Forum held in January. Jack gave our Club ​members a fantastic presentation of his experience.

Rotary Youth Exchange

Rotary Youth Exchange Australia provides an opportunity of a lifetime for Australian high school ​students to live & study abroad.

Students spend up to 12 months living and studying in a foreign country, learning a lot about ​yourself and the culture of your adopted host families.

Rotary Youth Exchange provides a unique opportunity to experience first-hand the many cultures ​of a different country and a new way of life. Often making life-long friendships with the families, ​Rotarians and fellow Exchange students, helping to build goodwill and understanding between ​countries.

For more information on Rotary Youth Exchange Program visit

2024 Outbound student - Jemima Pizzini

Jemima is being hosted by the Rotary Club of Verden am der Alla in Germany for 12 months. She will return in January 2025. Jemima ​attends the Domgymnasium school in Verden and will have 4 host familys during her exchange. We are looking forward to hearing all her ​adventures when she returns.

2024 Inbound Student - Sophia Gomes

Sophia arrived in January 2024 from Florianopolis, Brazil for 12 months. Sophia is hosted by Appin Park Wangaratta Rotary Club and ​attends Cathedral College Wangaratta. Sophia will have three host families during her stay in Wangaratta enjoys participating in local ​Rotary events and district activities. Sophia has been busy exploring the North East and surrounds. She is a wonderful addition to our ​club and community!

2024-2025 Inbound Student - Álvaro Bernal

Álvaro arrived in July 2024 from Valencia, Spain and is hosted by Appin Park Wangaratta Rotary Club and will be staying for 12 months. ​He is attending Cathedral College Wangaratta in year 10 and will have three host families during his stay in Wangaratta. Álvaro enjoys ​playing Basketball and going to the gym. He is looking forward to some encounters with our native wildlife and exploring the North East.

Past exchange students

Appin Park Wangaratta’s 2022/2023 Outbound student Bridget Pizzini to Gießen, Germany

Appin Park Wangaratta’s 2022/2023 Inbound student Henning Görtzen from Kalkar, Germany